Sunday, May 6, 2007

...a favor...

if I could ask a favor...
it would be for you to give my love back
don't keep my heart I filled with you
don't keep the kisses I gave you
give back my gentle caresses
give back my awesome stares
if I could ask a favor...

if I could beg your pardon
I want you to forget my dreams
I want you to unlearn my habits
I want you to return my secrets
if you could dispel my thoughts
if you will cast away my feelings
repress my ever being
if I could beg your pardon...

if I could trouble you a while
I'd ask for my devoured soul
please hand my damaged being to me
don't keep my broken heart
give me all the tears I've poured for you
return it all to me
if I could trouble you...

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