Sunday, September 2, 2007

on love and heartache

to live by:

"how you feel only matters to you. its what you do to the people you say you love, that matters".

It is a truth, that should be held to heart when falling in love. To be of kind heart to the person who is falling in love with you is of the utmost importance. The heart my friends is a very fragile thing, and it take years upon years to heal, though never fully and with constant memory of its previous break. Love is easily proclaimed, and easily denounced, but that kind of love is not truly love. True love does not end. It endures for a lifetime. At times, one may wish it disappear, but it is and will always be a constant companion. True love will love through heartache, separation, sickness, marriage and yes even death. It like the sun is eternal.

"falling in love is a foolish game, and I am no longer a fool".

true heartache, is much like death. It is as if someone or something has ripped your soul from its rightful home. Heartache like love, is also eternal. it has been imprinted on your being. Heartache forever changes who a person is and ever so slightly alters who that person may become.

The Thin Line:

love and heartache are like the zodiac Gemini, they are twins, where one goes the other will follow. They will arrive in varying degrees but they come hand in hand. On any given day we can choose to live with one or the other, but they are both with us. Often in recalling your greatest love, you may find cause of your greatest heartache. Often when recalling your greatest heartache, you may find cause of your true love.

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